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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are You Going to the Tea Party?

There is a grassroots conservative movement organizing "tax day tea parties" around the nation for this upcoming April 15th. If you are an advocate of the free-market system and want to protest the out of control government spending, then make sure you attend your local TEA PARTY. Click here to see the official Tax Day Tea Party website and find out what's happening in your town on April 15th.

Spread the word to friends and family and join thousands on April 15th to let your voice be heard!

(For those of you who slept through history class, the "tea party" reference alludes to the original Boston Tea Party of 1773, an historic event marking the road to the American Revolution in which Bostonian colonists dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor as a protest against unlawful taxation.)


Nathan Talbot said...

yes, the wife will be attending here in Tally.

Dave Hess said...

Wow. I hadn't heard about this until now. Thanks! ... Apparently there already was a "Tea Party" here in Tallahassee, in addition to the one upcoming on April 15th.

Here is a link to a news report on the first one at the capitol


Anonymous said...

the tea parties are held everywhere in the us and they are a good sign of political awareness (and unawareness)...
but i wish they were held when bush was in office so that his war machine would have slowed down after invasion of afghanistan (a just war) and would have not invaded iraq (an unjustified war; merely prompted for oil; by rich stockholders of weapon plants; at the cost of thousands of american and iraqi lives and billion of dollars)...
i wish some people have opened up their eyes and see that it would take another 8 years to undo damages the us image sustained during bush cowboy-styled policy... and more i-wishes.

Mikhail Silverwood said...

As I don't live in America, I have no idea what a tea party is... other than it's Reaganist anti-tax, anti-government politics.

What is it? What kind of people attend it? Is it big business executives? Is it small business owners? White collar? Blue collar? Working class or bourgeoisie?