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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Few Good Men...

Where are all the good men (and women)?

Where are the statesmen like those who poured their lives out for this country? Where are the courageous and brilliant and MORAL leaders like those who crafted the most free and prosperous nation in the history of the world?

With the recent collapse of so many industries: housing, auto, insurance, and the ungodly greed and corruption that lay behind it... With the Blagojevich arrest and the light it shed on an often crooked political system... With sex scandal after sex scandal among our nation's elected officials...

It leaves me wondering...

Is there anyone out there who can withstand the pressures and temptations of leadership? Is there anyone who will govern or manage from a consistently ethical perspective? Have we completely lost our way as a nation? What we need are a few good men...

So if you know any on the local level, vote for them, or volunteer for their campaigns. Or perhaps you yourself could answer the call.

I will close, however, with one final thought in light of the Christmas holiday: In reality there is only ONE GOOD man. His name is Jesus. It is He who we celebrate this Christmas and always. His GOODNESS is our only hope for truth and life and liberty. Maybe all we need is ONE good man and just a few more people who will bow their knee to Him.