Welcome To Our Blog!

The Sisters Wade was started to give voice to a young, fresh, conservative perspective. We invite you to dialogue, debate, disagree or applaud our efforts. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another Way

We here at The Sisters Wade have been pretty fed up with the lack of true conservatism among our politicians today. The Democratic party is WAY off... the Republican party is shifting farther and farther to the left. Socialism seems to be the buzz word these days, so let's shoot straight: Both parties are guilty of Socialism! Both keep implementing more central control. Both keep throwing federal money, bureaucracy and regulation at problems.

In this election cycle, I have heard more talk of choosing between the "lesser of two evils" than in times past. While liberals may have their long-awaited candidate of choice, I think it's clear to say that conservatives are anything but thrilled with theirs.

A two party system has been around in America pretty much from our inception (Federalists and Anti-federalists). Since the Civil War, the two parties in power today (Democrats and Republicans) have been the major political players. So what happens when we feel like we're losing our voice in the public arena?

Is there another way?

As conservatives, do we vote McCain in hopes of keeping Obama out of power and avoiding what could be extremely destructive social/economic policies, not to mention long-standing ramifications of liberal Supreme Court nominees? Do we stay home and hope our silence catches the ears of those who supposedly represent us in government; hope that the horrors of liberalism ignite a conservative revolution? Do we vote 3rd Party and perhaps stand beside a candidate who more closely espouses our worldview, regardless of his or her chance of winning?

These are questions we've been pondering. What do you think? We're interested in hearing how you've been wrestling through these things and reaching your decision in this very important election.

In case you're interested, here are two 3rd party candidates that we find appealing and noteworthy: Chuck Baldwin and Alan Keyes.

[By the way, I had a chance to hear Michelle Malkin speak tonight... Maybe she'll feature our blog on Hot Air someday. :)]

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Food For Thought...

Though seldom heard in the mainstream media, there are some excellent conservative writers/thinkers/personalities out there. Walter E. Williams and Larry Elder are among them. We don't hear enough from them, so I'm giving you a sneak peak into what they're saying... You'd be wise to listen up.

Walter E. Williams is an Economics professor at George Mason University. Here are his thoughts on the "bailout": Lessons from the Bailout.

Larry Elder is a best-selling author and radio talk-show host. Here are his thoughts on "the rich" that everyone seems to be so angry with: In Defense of 'The Rich'.

(Thanks to Dad for the articles.)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Folly of Fairness

Obama used the word "fair" or "fairness" several times tonight... especially when referring to taxes and the economy: McCain's tax policy isn't "fair"; It's only "fair" for the rich to pay more; etc. News flash for you Obama: Life isn't fair and legislating fairness is actually a form of injustice.

(Side note: I thought the debate was horrible. Is anyone else really disappointed with our choices this year? Obama, because I disagree with just about everything he says and McCain because he does not articulate the conservative viewpoint at all... maybe because he's not one. Is there no politician who can explain a conservative worldview?)

Back to "fairness." I was reading a parenting book recently and came across an excellent section on the concept of fairness. I thought I'd leave an excerpt here because it's so appropriate in making my point and in addressing the state of our national psyche. Now, granted, the excerpt is dealing with children, but you have to admit that Obama sounds quite like a playground child when whining that "it's not fair":

"There is a universal tendency to try to make life fair. 'You had your turn, now it is mine.' 'You already have two balls and I have none, so you should be fair and share with me.' 'Daddy gave Johnny one, so Suzy should get one also.' We tend to think of legislated fairness as equality, when in fact it is inequality. This is so ingrained in us that we equate fairness with justice. The communist system is built on a principle of forced fairness. In contrast, the American system of government is based on individual rights.

"Pure fairness is as unlikely and as undesirable as making all mountains the same height. It is unnatural and can only be achieved through forced injustice. When it is a rule handed down by 'Big Brother' it will never be carried out with benevolence on the part of the one being stripped of his abundance, nor can it be received with thankfulness on the part of the one expecting legislated equality.

"This indulgent demand for fairness begins at the earliest age. You can know you have already cultivated self-centerdness in your children when Grandma must buy gifts of equal value for each grandchild in order to keep feelings from being hurt. Trying to keep equal accounts, whether in things, privileges, or discipline, is not wise. It trains children to believe they have the right to weigh and balance, to demand equal share, or to veto the good fortune of another. They are turning selfishness into a childhood occupation. Evil covetousness is being rewarded. Parents are missing one of the greatest opportunities to teach their children to rejoice in the good fortune of another.

"It should never be our intention to show favoritism, but circumstantial inequality is not only just but essential to the very foundations of individuality. Some are naturally tall, while others are short. Some are gifted in many areas, whereas others appear to be gifted in little. One farmer receives rain while another suffers drought. One is born into a family of opportunity while another is born into social bondage. One gets a promotion while another loses his job. Many run the race, but only one takes first place.

"When your child gets knocked down, don't reward his whining of unfairness. Teach him how to get up and walk away with dignity. If the other children run off and leave him, teach him how to organize play that will cause them to want to be a part of his activity. But never make your child the unwelcome tagalong of despising peers. When rain falls on his neighbors' crops but not his, teach him how to irrigate. When his wages are lower, teach him how to manage his finances. When someone else gets the job, teach him how to start a company that provides better services. If he has fewer gifts, teach him how to expect nothing and to make little into abundance. Rather than whine for equality, teach him how to give until others are blessed above himself."

How did we get to the point in America where we feel we are owed something by someone, usually the government? Why is fairness now espoused as a virtue? Why are our candidates afraid to tell people "NO" and willing to promise them everything they desire? Clearly our mommies and daddies did not tell us what we needed to hear, so I will: Quit whining and grow up. Life is not fair.

(All quotes taken from "No Greater Joy. Vol. 1" by Michael and Debi Pearl)