In this election cycle, I have heard more talk of choosing between the "lesser of two evils" than in times past. While liberals may have their long-awaited candidate of choice, I think it's clear to say that conservatives are anything but thrilled with theirs.
A two party system has been around in America pretty much from our inception (Federalists and Anti-federalists). Since the Civil War, the two parties in power today (Democrats and Republicans) have been the major political players. So what happens when we feel like we're losing our voice in the public arena?
Is there another way?
As conservatives, do we vote McCain in hopes of keeping Obama out of power and avoiding what could be extremely destructive social/economic policies, not to mention long-standing ramifications of liberal Supreme Court nominees? Do we stay home and hope our silence catches the ears of those who supposedly represent us in government; hope that the horrors of liberalism ignite a conservative revolution? Do we vote 3rd Party and perhaps stand beside a candidate who more closely espouses our worldview, regardless of his or her chance of winning?
These are questions we've been pondering. What do you think? We're interested in hearing how you've been wrestling through these things and reaching your decision in this very important election.
In case you're interested, here are two 3rd party candidates that we find appealing and noteworthy: Chuck Baldwin and Alan Keyes.
[By the way, I had a chance to hear Michelle Malkin speak tonight... Maybe she'll feature our blog on Hot Air someday. :)]
I definitely don't think staying home is the answer.
How could they NOT feature this blog? Was she speaking in town?
You gals do such a better job than I ever could in articulating this stuff. I'm always enlightened and challenged by what you say...
Yes, she was speaking in town at FSU. It was decent but nothing profound... The question and answer time was better than her actual lecture. I liked her a lot though. She spoke about race and gender in regard to this election. She's a "triple threat" minority as she liked to call herself: an ethnic minority, a woman and a conservative.
I still do not believe that a conservative who votes for McCain is selling themselves out. Unfortunately the Republican party has already reinvented itself and it may be too late to change.
I do not believe that more political parties offer a better way. Not that much differs between the two parties when you really get down to nuts and bolts. They both govern from a ideology that is flawed, and have done so from the beginning.
That is about the only thing I can come up with.
I am considering a "3rd party" candidate as well. I figure if those of us who feel strongly enough to do so now, "change" may actually come, even if it is a ways down the road. We have to start at some point or we only assist in prolonging the current dysfunction.
In this election in particular I believe I must vote for John McCain. I do not line up with his ideology across the board. I do think both parties have slipped way to far into the ditch of big, bloated government. However, I do believe the fundamental principles of the Republican party still align most closely with mine.
I do not think election day is the day to move the party, nor it is the time to "voice" our displeasure. We should do that during our own primary by supporting candidates that better represent us. We do that by being active in the process and letting our voices be heard throughout the years not just one day every four years.
I say that because as much as we want to voice our displeasure at the current trend (in both parties) a vote for a third party in this election is essentially a vote for the most radically liberal, pro-abortion, big spending, untruthful candidate to ever be nominated (BHO for those who didn't get the description). I cannot justify such an action for myself at this time. There is too much at stake. The course of our nation is about to be set for the next four years, and that course could greatly change the underlying princeples that have made America so great and such a success. The congress is controlled by extreme liberals with socialist agendas, and they can potentially get a socailist in the white house who will weaken our national defense, raise our taxes, expand government to a level we have never seen before, and try to pass the "freedom of choice act". Then on top of that nominate probably 2 maybe 3 SCOTUS justices.
For those reasons I will proudly vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin. I will also support and hope that Bobby Jindal continues his rise in the Republican party and that he and Palin make a run in 2012 as McCain steps aside after defeating the Obamessiah.
As for not voting, that is clearly not an option in my mind. I believe we have a duty to vote, and I will always excercise that right granted to me by the blood of patriots.
Kelley I just recently started reading your blog post and just wanted to let you know that you guys do a great job! As far as your question it's something that I have been wrestling with for a while. I don't have any answers, but I do believe a new legitimate party needs to arise. It breaks my heart that our two major political parties are not out for the best interest of the people.
The term 'socialism' is used very badly by politicians and pundits in the media.
By their definition, George Bush is the biggest communist of them all, because he bought AIG using the bailout money. Now, of course, George Bush is a huge Reaganists; on the other end of the spectrum.
What I think people actually mean is democratic socialism, not socialism?
Small-d democratic-socialism is: what Michael Moore supports; it's what made FDR famous. A tax rate of 90% for the highest income bracket; lots of government revenue to pay for lots of government projects.
Democratic socialists romanticise about the 1950s and '60s, when the tax rate was high and government spending was high: unemployement was 1%, the US economy was in 30 year boom. It seemed as though capitalism was a wonderful magical system that could fullfil all our needs.
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