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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Is Hope always Hopeful?
And he claims to bring HOPE.
But what kind of hope is he offering?
Is it hopeful to propose a universal healthcare system, a system that has done nothing but create long lines, low quality and bankruptcy for future generations in those nations who've gone before us?
Is it hopeful to raise taxes on such things as dividends and capital gains from the current 15% to Obama's proposed 39.6%, a tax that penalizes investors, entrepreneurs and risk takers, the very people who create jobs and wealth for lower and middle class America?
Is it hopeful to promise $4000 dollars to every college student, a fair standard of living to everyone who works (What is "fair"? What about those who don't handle their "fair share" wisely and end up "poor" again?), and a regular hike in minimum wage (which does nothing but discourage employers from hiring in the first place and increases the final cost to the consumer)?
Obama's brand of hope might sound good, but is it? Is it sustainable for future generations? We've already seen that government programs like social security are not. Would he add to this mess for our children?
And these are just a few policies I've actually heard him talk about. Let alone the fact that we don't really know much about him. He doesn't have much of a record, and what he does have is known to be one of the most left-wing, liberal voting records in the senate.
But still, mantras like HOPE, CHANGE and BELIEF have blinded the minds of so many. For instance, I was talking to a college student the other day who is supporting Obama. She was quick to let me know that she doesn't like universal healthcare but was willing to overlook it. We also discussed the issue of abortion and she is pro-life... Obama is pro-choice. "So, what policies DO you like?" I asked. "Oh I don't really know where he stands on a lot of things yet... I'm still looking into it, but when he speaks I just believe him." Enough said.
Hey, hope sells. And why not? People are hungry for hope. We all need something to hope in. We all need something to believe in. But there is only one thing in life in which our hope is guaranteed, and that is God. With all of this political talk of hope and with Obama portrayed as a Messianic figure, it leaves me with this question... Has government become our God? And if so, is that really hopeful?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I'm a bit confused
I am increasingly disturbed by the gross inconsistencies I see evidenced in much of the western world. I can at least respect a worldview that is consistent, but a belief system that contradicts itself at every turn is hard for me to stomach.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the principal leader of the Church of England, recently made some unsettling comments. In the name of tolerance and diversity, he actually believes that sharia, or Islamic law, should become part of what he calls “plural jurisdiction” in Britain. This, he says, would help “maintain social cohesion”.
But what, I might ask, is “social cohesion”? Is punishing a woman because she was raped social cohesion? What about allowing a man to beat his wife? Or maybe forcing a 9-year-old girl to marry a 60-year-old man brings about social cohesion. And since when is sentencing a homosexual to death considered tolerant? All of this and more would be ushered in under sharia law.
This is why it’s confusing to me when I hear liberal feminists calling for tolerance and supporting the idea of Muslims instituting sharia law in the West. Do they not know what life is like for women under this system of warped justice?
It’s why I was a bit perplexed when a pastor in Sweden was recently thrown in jail for calling homosexuality a sin. The leader of the Church of England calls for sharia law (under which homosexuals would be killed), while another church leader is imprisoned for merely calling homosexuality a sin.
You can’t have it both ways people.
And therein lies the problem with trying to serve the god of tolerance—tolerance of one person is often a direct violation of the rights of another.
Or maybe its just Christians for whom modern pluralism has no tolerance.
But even so, can someone please enlighten me as to how it’s possible to create a society that’s simultaneously safe for the homosexual and tolerant of the Islamic extremist who wants to kill him? Or how it’s logical to tolerate Islam’s belief that the homosexual should be killed, while ranting and raving because a Christian said that the practice of homosexuality is wrong?
But then again, maybe the Archbishop is onto something with his concept of multiple legal standards. I mean, I myself might develop a proclivity for driving drunk on the wrong side of the highway at 100 mph. Why should I be restrained due to the bigotry and intolerance of the rest of society?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Extreme Makeover
The episode was about a decorated marine who lost his leg in Iraq. The crew designed and built him and his 4 children an amazing new home, paid off his mortgage, and bought him a new car. Now I'm not a regular viewer of the program, but without fail, every time I see it, it brings tears to my eyes. The show is a perfect example of freedom, capitalism, sacrifice, etc. (as I said, the American genius) at work. Every week, this show changes lives in a way the government never could. With a combined effort from companies and volunteers, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, it gives needy and deserving families a new start in life.
Everyone involved from Ford to Sears to ABC to local contractors and builders gets to do good for someone else and promote their products at the same time. Shows like this are popping up everywhere. Oprah is premiering one in March.
Americans are extremely creative... finding ways to serve one another while generating new jobs, opportunities, and capital all the while. Just a thought: Could we not meet some of our nation's greatest needs in this fashion? Healthcare? Feeding the poor? Education? Caring for veterans? Why are we so quick to turn to the government for answers? We the people through hard work and creativity can "extremely makeover" our world.
(For more on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition's volunteer programs go to http://abc.go.com/abettercommunity/index?pn=index).
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Despite all of this, something else overcame me as I stepped behind that obtrusively cumbersome voting machine (is that still the best mechanism they have?). I think I experienced something akin to what the average male undergoes as they slip behind the wheel of whatever they consider the most exciting car to drive (sorry, I'm so automobile illiterate I can't even come up with a specific kind of car to insert to make my point). But this was exhilarating. I felt empowered. I, little ol' me, completely unknown by anyone who's anyone, was about to directly affect the future of one of the most influential nations on earth. Wow, what an amazing privilege! What a weighty responsibility. So many things flashed through my mind's eye in that instant...the people throughout our nation's history who gave their lives to give us this freedom; the people of Afghanistan, whom I had the privilege of knowing as they literally risked their lives to cast a vote in their very first election. They certainly know what I'm talking about.
I made one other observation on my way out, as my fellow poll-goers pinched our cheeks (and yes, I mean mine as well as my baby's)--I was literally the only person in the entire place under 65. Now I wonder, is that simply due to the time of day I voted, or does it say something else about my generation? Hmmm...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Why Blog?
In this, my initial blog, I leave you with the many reasons I had not to blog and in the end, the reason I decided to begin:
1. I don't know much about the Internet or the blogoshpere.
2. I feared it would become an obsession.
3. There are lots of other blogs out there that probably already say the same things and say them a lot better.
4. Because I have a bent toward perfectionism and felt I would get overwhelmed trying to do this exactly right. (Get over yourself, right?)
I could go on, but they all pretty much amount to FEAR, so I turned, looked my fear in the face and started this blog. A wise man once said: "A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort." Here's to first efforts...